HealthTechTAB 2.0 - Introducing the Triage Sessions

The 1st day of October marks a very special date for the HealthTechTAB as we have made some very important announcements during a Breakfast Seminar at the Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, in Braga.

During the event, we have unveiled and explained our plans to re-shape the TAB process in order to make it more accessible and efficient through a new application process.

What will change?

To start, we will be removing the current cut-off dates completely, making the application process permanently open.

We will also be implementing a new application process that will allow us to find and go to our beneficiaries instead of the other way around, providing support in a quicker and more efficient way.

How will this new application process work?

Through the Triage Sessions.

What are the Triage Sessions? 

The Triage Sessions will consist on very short meetings where beneficiaries will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to our experts and receive the first level support from the TAB, consisting of live feedback and short in loco recommendations.

All the projects that are presented in these sessions will automatically join the TAB pool and may be selected and invited for the normal TAB-in sessions and receive the second level of feedback from the TAB.

How can I access the Triage Sessions?

We will organize frequent “Greet & Meet” events on select locations through Europe in order to present the TAB and our experts.

In collaboration with our local partners (Sponsors), we will be able to identify potential beneficiaries and grant the opportunity to pitch meet our experts and pitch their projects in the Triage Sessions.

When are you organizing these sessions?

All sessions, locations and dates will be published on our website soon, so stay tuned!

How can I become a Sponsor?

If you think that the HealthTechTAB could help you and your peers and are interested in co-hosting a “Greet & Meet” event, we will be very happy to discuss the opportunity with you. Just shoot us an e-mail to