nanomedTAB relaunches as HealthtechTAB

After almost three years (jun 2015 – dec 2017) helping and accelerating promising nanomedicine projects to the market in the framework of the ENATRANS (Enabling NAnomedicne TRANSlation) project, the Nanomedicine Translation Advisory Board (nanomedTAB) will be re-launching as the Healthtech Translation Advisory Board (HealthtechTAB).

The nanomedTAB supported 84 projects across 20 different European countries, having achieved  great impact traduced into concrete success cases. The nanomedTAB contributed to:

The impact of the nanomedTAB also extended to accrue significant savings by redirecting 24 projects towards more prolific avenues – changing their aims/indications, sparing funds and scientific efforts that were being focused on projects with no possibilities of translation to the market.

Building on this success, the Healthtech TAB will now be implemented in the framework of the NOBEL project (Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem), where its concept will expand to cover the whole health technologies (healthtech) spectrum.

For further information, please check our new website: